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Product Development Intern
June - Aug 2018
Responsible for innovating during the entire residential lighting design process.
Researching relevant market trends in relation to color, materials, finishes, and form
in order to sketch, model, and communicate with our overseas team for production.
A large part of my internship was sketching, modeling and rendering residential lighting. My team and I gathered inspiration from furniture and interior design trend setting resources, field trips around Charleston, and collaborating at every step along the way.
Lighting Design
Modeling in Solidworks was key to our production. Scale models would be sent to our factory liasons along with spec sheets, notes on materials, finish, and even inspiration.
*This is only 9 out of the 30 designs I fully developed to be prototyped by our suppliers.
Digital Design
As a personal project to expand my Keyshot and Photoshop Skills, I started rendering some of my concepts in context.
This made me a stronger designer with each piece.
This practice forced me to consider: what type of home will this light fit in? Who will purchase this type of lighting? What's their style? What does their furniture look like?
This fueled my interest in the importance of marketing when designing. Without a market, you don't have a customer.
Mix n Match
As a side project during my internship, my supervisor and I collaborated on an effort to expand Quoizel's Mix and Match program. This line featured existing mini pendants that can be customized by the amount of lights, to fit any space.
Keep an eye out for more in Quoizel's 2020 Supplementary Catalog.
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